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4) Ardzivian's impossible pledge

The second trial of independency took place in Aleppo, away from the center, in 1740, and Abraham Ardzivian was designated Armenian Catholic Patriarch. The Pope Benoit XIV ratified the designation of Ardzivian and gave him the mission of gathering the dispersed Catholicism around the world under his authority.
he plan was clear, but the realization very long. Therefore, the Armenian Catholics were living in countries of different nations and States, different religions and cultures, and enemy countries that the dictators were doubting about the external religious intervention. So, it was necessary to undertake the Ottoman empire where was an earthly, political and administrative uniformity.
Abraham Ardzivian
Because the plan was big, he faced two principal obstacles. The first one: the Sublime door did not recognize the newly created nation by Rome, which displaced the Ottoman legislation. Ardzivian was pursued for committing a crime by the government. Finding the roads of Constantinople closed in front of him, he established his patriarchal Seat in Lebanon who although was subject to the Ottoman authority, but politically was nearer to the Pashas of Egypt than of Constantinople.
Ardzivian faced a second obstacle which was the objection of the Armenian and Latin Catholic Leaders who came before him. It was difficult for them to become liable to the new authority.
In front of the difficulties of the present period, Rome preferred to deliver the Armenian Catholics who were under the Ottoman governance, copying the limits divisions done by the Armenian Church, rather than putting them under one chief, which needed time to be organized.
So, he delivered the eparchies corresponding to the Catholicos of Sis to the Patriarchate of Ardzivian, and the eparchies corresponding to the Patriarchate of Constantinople to the Latin Archbishop first, then to the Armenian Catholic Archbishop, when it was founded. The Armenian Catholics, subject to the Ottoman empire, had two authority centers : Constantinople and Bzommar which were finally united in 1866.
5) The Latin church in the East

The Latin missioners entered the East due to the victories of the European forces. They were in front of peoples, cultures and rites of the ancient church of the East. The ardor of preaching of some missioners was bigger than the knowledge they had about the historical churches. Therefore, the orders given by Rome to respect and protect the eastern rites were not always respected by the missioners. We were away from the actual ecumenical spirit.
But we are grateful to these missioners for they revive the spiritual and piety life, because during the previous centuries, it was extinguished because of the political and spiritual ownership.
On the occasion of the 250th anniversary, we realize near to these people mentioned here, being patriarch, bishop, or a simple preacher or clergyman, a thirst towards the religious life, the Christian life, the holiness, devotion and sacrifice. These men were clergymen and not diplomats. They plan and execute in the sake of the truth. They are brilliant personalities who can serve as an example for the people of our time, as they served as an example in their centuries.

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